Category Archives for Sleep Health

These 17 Unbelievable Common Sleep Myths Are Debunked

Absolutely everybody needs sleep, it’s simply a fact of life. For something everyone does, however, there sure seem to be a whole lot of common misconceptions, misinformation and downright myths which

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All The Amazing Health Benefits of Sleep

It is fairly common knowledge that our bodies need sleep. We can tell this simply by the feeling of exhaustion we get when we go too long without it. It becomes hard to focus, even becoming more and more

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Why Sleeping on Your Back is a Good Idea

Stop for a second and think about how you sleep. What position are you in most of the time? Why did you choose that position? Is it actually the best one for you? There are benefits and downsides to pretty

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15 Health Benefits of Getting to Sleep Early

I honestly think there is a little bit of a night owl in all of us. Afterall, as evening falls and our day winds down it is often the only time we have a little time to ourselves. And so we often try to

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Waking Up Early and Your Health: Creating Healthy Life Choices

I’m always a little jealous of those people that seem to rise early to get their day started with very little prompting or difficulty. Me, I’m hitting the snooze three or four times and running scenarios

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The Health Benefits of Napping

You may have hated them when you were in kindergarten, but naps can be a great benefit to living a healthier lifestyle. Taking a daily sleep break can help your blood pressure, put you in a better mood,

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Why Drinking Peppermint Tea Before Bed is a Good Idea

Tea before bed is a ritual for many people. Fill the kettle, get the water to boiling, pour the water onto the tea, let it steep, then climb into bed and sip before falling asleep. When it comes to bedtime

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How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?

There are a couple things everyone on the plant does. We all go to the bathroom, we all need to eat and drink and we all need to sleep. The age old question still exists for many, however. How much sleep

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Summer Travel with a CPAP Machine

It’s time for summer road trips, beach vacations and long weekends spent outdoors. While most people toss their beach clothes and sandals in a bag and go, you are wondering how to bring along your CPAP

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The Truth About Passion Flowers Improving Sleep Quality

The quality of your sleep is vital to your health. Most healthy adults need 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep to be “fully rested”. If you find yourself constantly waking up at night, not feeling rested, or

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